DN-Splatter: Depth and Normal Priors for Gaussian Splatting and Meshing

1ETH Zurich, 2Tampere University 3Aalto University 4Spectacular AI
*Denotes equal contribution

T L D R :

Depth and normal supervision improves 3DGS novel-view synthesis and mesh reconstruction.

Splatfacto DN-Splatter
Splatfacto DN-Splatter
Splatfacto DN-Splatter
Splatfacto DN-Splatter


3D Gaussian splatting, a novel differentiable rendering technique, has achieved state-of-the-art novel view synthesis results with high rendering speeds and relatively low training times. However, its performance on scenes commonly seen in indoor datasets is poor due to the lack of geometric constraints during optimization. We extend 3D Gaussian splatting with depth and normal cues to tackle challenging indoor datasets and showcase techniques for efficient mesh extraction, an important downstream application. Specifically, we regularize the optimization procedure with depth information, enforce local smoothness of nearby Gaussians, and use the geometry of the 3D Gaussians supervised by normal cues to achieve better alignment with the true scene geometry. We improve depth estimation and novel view synthesis results over baselines and show how this simple yet effective regularization technique can be used to directly extract meshes from the Gaussian representation yielding more physically accurate reconstructions on indoor scenes.

Interpolate start reference image.

Overview: Depth and normal guided 3DGS results in more photorealistic novel-view synthesis as well as better geometric reconstructions.


Casually captured iPhone 13 Pro data processed with DN-Splatter. We visualize depth, normal, and rgb renders as well as exported Poisson meshes and compare against the Splatfacto baseline method.

More Visuals

Depth estimation and novel-view synthesis:

Splatfacto DN-Splatter iPhone depth
Splatfacto DN-Splatter iPhone RGB
Splatfacto DN-Splatter iPhone depth
Splatfacto DN-Splatter iPhone RGB

Normal estimation:

Splatfacto DN-Splatter monocular GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter monocular GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter monocular GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter monocular GT

Mesh reconstruction on real-world indoor scenes: MuSHRoom dataset reconstructions with iPhone data.

Splatfacto DN-Splatter GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter GT
Splatfacto DN-Splatter GT

Mesh Comparisons

Reconstruction on the Honka scene from MuSHRoom dataset



Reconstruction on the Sauna scene from MuSHRoom dataset



Normal Supervision Comparison

Comparison of normal supervision with the gradient of rendered depths and monocular normal supervision.


I want to thank Tobias Fischer, Songyou Peng, and Philipp Lindenberger for their fruitful discussions and guidance, especially concerning mesh reconstruction. This project is built on various open-source software, and I want to thank the Nerfstudio team for their great efforts maintaining and extending a large project allowing for these kinds of extensions to exist.


        title={DN-Splatter: Depth and Normal Priors for Gaussian Splatting and Meshing}, 
        author={Matias Turkulainen and Xuqian Ren and Iaroslav Melekhov and Otto Seiskari and Esa Rahtu and Juho Kannala},